Recent publications
Flavobacterium plantiphilum sp. nov., Flavobacterium rhizophilum, Flavobacterium rhizoshaerae sp. nov., Chryseobacterium terrae sp. nov., and Sphingomonas plantiphila sp. nov. isolated from salty soil showing plant growth promoting potential
Peter Kämpfer, André Lipski, Kathy S. Lawrence, Walker R. Olive, Molli M. Newman, John A. McInroy & Tomeu Viver
Impact of DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis on food-associated mock communities using PacBio long-read amplicon sequencing
Mareike Baer, Lisa Höppe, Waldemar Seel & André Lipski
BMC Microbiology. 2024. 24, 521.
Does antibiotic use contribute to biofilm resistance in sink drains? A case study from four German hospital wards
Nicole van Leuven, Ralf Lucassen, Anna Dicks, Patrick Braß, André Lipski & Dirk P. Bockmühl
Antibiotics 2024, 13, 1148.
Greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound emissions of additive-treated whole-plant maize silage: part A—anaerobic fermentation period
Hauke Ferdinand Deeken, Wolfgang Büscher, Manfred Trimborn, Alexander J. Schmitthausen, Kirsten Weiß, André Lipski & Gerd-Christian Maack
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 11, 134 (2024).
Heritable microbiome variation is correlated with source environment in locally adapted maize varieties
Xiaoming He, Danning Wang, Yong Jiang, Meng Li, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Chloee McLaughlin, Caroline Marcon, Li Guo, Marcel Baer, Yudelsy A. T. Moya, Nicolaus von Wirén, Marion Deichmann, Gabriel Schaaf, Hans-Peter Piepho, Zhikai Yang, Jinliang Yang, Bunlong Yim, Kornelia Smalla, Sofie Goormachtig, Franciska T. de Vries , Hubert Hüging, Mareike Baer, Ruairidh J. H. Sawers, Jochen C. Reif, Frank Hochholdinger, Xinping Chen, Peng Yu
Nature Plants. 2024.
Circular genomes of two bacterial strains capable of growing in a CO2-containing atmosphere
David Heidler von Heilborn, Alexander Bartholomäus, André Lipski
Microbiology Resource Announcements, e00685-23 (2023). DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00685-23
Corynebacterium suedekumii sp. nov and Corynebacterium breve sp. nov., isolated from raw cow’s milk
Mareike Katharina Baer , Gina Marke, Lena Mehl, Ronja Hellmuth, Alexander Bartholomäus, André Lipski
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2023, Vol 73 (10), DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.006141
Fungi under modified atmosphere - the effects of CO2 stress on cell membranes and description of new yeast Stenotrophomyces fumitolerans gen. nov., sp. nov.
David Heidler von Heilborn, Jessica Reinmüller, Andrey Yurkov, Peter Stehle, Ralf Moeller, and André Lipski
Journal of Fungi, 2023. 9(10), 1031; DOI: 10.3390/jof9101031
High resolution ITS amplicon melting analysis as a tool to analyse microbial
communities of household biofilms in ex-situ models
Nicole van Leuven, Marc-Kevin Zinn, Ralf Lucassen, André Lipski, Hans-Curt Flemming, Dirk Bockmühl
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2023, 212, 106806, DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2023.106806
Paenibacillus plantiphilus sp. nov. from the plant environment of Zea mays
Peter Kämpfer, André Lipski, Lucie Lamothe, Dominique Clermont, Alexis Criscuolo, John A. McInroy & Stefanie P. Glaeser
Antonie van Leuwenhoek, 2023, 116, 883-892, DOI: 10.1007/s10482-023-01852-x
Correlation between bacterial cell density and abundance of antibiotic resistance on milking machine surfaces assessed by cultivation and direct qPCR methods
Mareike Weber, Bettina Göpfert, Sina von Wezyk, Michael Savin-Hoffmeyer, André Lipski
Paenibacillus auburnensis sp. nov. and Paenibacillus pseudetheri sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of Zea mays
Peter Kämpfer, André Lipski, John A. McInroy, Dominique Clermont, Lucie Lamothe, Stefanie P. Glaeser, Alexis Criscuolo
Effects of flavonoids on membrane adaptation of food-associated bacteria
Maria Linden, Alexander Flegler, Michelle M. Feuereisen, Fabian Weber, André Lipski, Andreas Schieber
BBA - Biomembranes, 1865 (2023), 184137. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2023.184137.
Neobacillus rhizosphaerae sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere, and reclassification of Bacillus dielmonensis as Neobacillus dielmonensis comb. nov.
Peter Kämpfer, Stefanie P. Glaeser, John A. McInroy, Dominique Clermont, André Lipski, Alexis Criscuolo
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2022, Vol 72 (11), DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005636
Phenotypic and genomic assessment of the potential threat of human spaceflight-relevant Staphylococcus capitis isolates under stress conditions
Katharina Siems, Katharina Runzheimer, Anna Rehm, Oliver Schwengers, David Heidler von Heilborn, Liv Kaser, Franca Arndt, Claudio Neidhöfer, Jan P. Mengel, Marijo Parcina, André Lipski, Torsten Hain and Ralf Moeller
Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022. 13:1007143. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1007143
Paenibacillus allorhizoplanae sp. nov. from the rhizoplane of a Zea mays root
Peter Kämpfer, André Lipski, Lucie Lamothe, Dominique Clermont, Alexis Criscuolo, John A. McInroy & Stefanie P. Glaeser
Archives of Microbiology 204, 630 (2022).
Bacillus rhizoplanae sp. nov. from maize roots
Peter Kämpfer , André Lipski, John A. McInroy, Dominique Clermont, Alexis Criscuolo, Stefanie P. Glaeser
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2022, Vol 72, DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005450.
Erysipelothrix anatis sp.nov. , Erysipelothrix aquatica sp. nov. and Erysipelothrix urinaevulpis sp. nov., three novel species of the genus, and emended description of Erysipelothrix
Tobias Eisenberg , Kristin Mühldorfer, Marcel Erhard, Ahmad Fawzy, Sabine Kehm, Christa Ewers, Torsten Semmler, Jochen Blom, André Lipski, Jörg Rau, Peter Kämpfer, Stefanie P. Glaeser
Polar lipid characterization and description of Chryseobacterium capnotolerans sp. nov., isolated from high CO2-containing atmosphere and emended descriptions of the genus Chryseobacterium, and the species C. balustinum, C. daecheongense, C. formosense, C. gleum, C. indologenes, C. joostei, C. scophthalmum and C. ureilyticum.
David Heidler von Heilborn, Lena-Luisa Nover, Mareike Weber, Georg Hölzl, Nicolas Gisch, Claudia Waldhans, Maureen Mittler, Judith Kreyenschmidt, Christian Woehle, Bruno Hüttel, André Lipski
Nocardioides alcanivorans sp. nov., a novel hexadecane-degrading species isolated from plastic waste.
Julia Mitzscherling, Joana MacLean, Daniel Lipus, Alexander Bartholomäus, Kai Mangelsdorf, André Lipski, Vladimir Roddatis, Susanne Liebner, Dirk Wagner
Paenalcaligenes niemegkensis sp. nov., a novel species of the family Alcaligenaceae isolated from plastic waste
Julia Mitzscherling , Joana MacLean, Daniel Lipus, Alexander Bartholomäus, Kai Mangelsdorf, André Lipski, Vladimir Roddatis, Susanne Liebner, Dirk Wagner
Exogenous fatty acids affect membrane properties and cold adaptation of Listeria monocytogenes
Alexander Flegler, Janice Iswara, Anna Tatjana Mänz, Frieda Sophia Schocke, Wanda Antonia Faßbender, Georg Hölzl & André Lipski
∗ Honored as "Paper of the Month" February 2022 by the DGHM •
Low membrane fluidity triggers lipid phase separation and protein segregation in living bacteria
Marvin Gohrbandt, André Lipski, James W Grimshaw, Jessica A Buttress, Zunera Baig, Brigitte Herkenhoff, Stefan Walter, Rainer Kurre, Gabriele Deckers-Hebestreit, Henrik Strahl
Sphingomonas aliaeris sp. nov., a new species isolated from pork steak packed under modified atmosphere
David Heidler von Heilborn , Jessica Reinmüller, Georg Hölzl, Jan P. Meier-Kolthoff , Christian Woehle , Magdalena Marek , Bruno Hüttel , André Lipski
A multi-sensor mini-bioreactor to preselect silage inoculants by tracking metabolic activity in situ during fermentation
Guilin Shan, Victoria Rosner, Andreas Milimonka, Wolfgang Buescher, André Lipski, Christian Maack, Wilfried Berchtold, Ye Wang, David A. Grantz and Yurui Sun
Dual sensor measurement shows that temperature outperforms pH as an early sign of aerobic deterioration in maize silage
Guilin Shan, Wolfgang Buescher, Christian Maack, André Lipski, Ismail-Hakki Acir, Manfred Trimborn, Fabian Kuellmer, Ye Wang, David A. GRantz & Yurui Sun
Arthrobacter bussei sp. nov., a pink-coloured organism isolated from cheese made of cow´s milk
Alexander Flegler, Katharina Runzheimer, Vanessa Kombeitz, Anna Tatjana Mänz, David Heidler von Heilborn, Lara Etzbach, Andreas Schieber, Georg Hölzl, Bruno Hüttel, Christian Woehle, André Lipski
Carotenoids are used as regulators for membrane fluidity by Staphylococcus xylosus
Waldemar Seel, Denise Baust, Dominik Sons, Maren Albert, Lara Etzbach, Janina Fuss & André Lipski
Scientific Reports, 2020, 330. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-57006-5
Bacterial community composition of biofilms in milking machines of two dairy farms assessed by a combination of culture-dependent and -independent methods.
Mareike Weber, Janine Liedtke, Susanne Plattes, André Lipski
PLoS ONE 14(9):e0222238. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222238
An automatic smart measurement system with signal decomposition to partial dual-source CO2 flux from maize silage
Guilin Shan, Wolfgang Buescher, Christian Maack, Haiyang Zhou, David A.Grantz, André Lipski, Ismail-Hakki Acir, Yurui Sun
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 300. 127053. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.127053
The contribution of fast growing, psychrotrophic microorganisms on biodiversity of refrigerated raw cow´s milk with high bacterial counts and their food spoilage potantial
Julia Hahne, Damaris Isele, Julia Berning, André Lipski
Food Microbiol. 2019. 79:11-19. DOI: 10.1016/
Stenotrophomonas lactitubi sp. nov. and Stenotrophomonas indicatrix sp. nov., isolated from surfaces with food contact
Mareike Weber, Wiebke Schünemann, Janina Fuß, Peter Kämpfer, André Lipski
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 68: 1830-1838. DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.002732
Isolation and characterization of Corynebacterium spp. from bulk tank raw cow's milk of different dairy farms in Germany.
Julia Hahne, Tabea Kloster, Sandra Rathmann, Mareike Weber, André Lipski
PLoS ONE . DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0194365